One – Eins

Lesezeit 1 Minute –

Die wunderbare Carol King mit einem aktuellen Mutmach-Song: Each of us is one – all of us are one. Enjoy diese starke Frau und Stimme!

Songtext One:

Poetic phrases come to mind
Whenever I find injustice being done
And I wonder, what am I gonna do

What can one do except to be one
Talking to two, touching three
Growing to four million
Each of us is one-all of us are one

I go through phases when I realize
It wouldn’t be wise to try and bring it down
And I wonder, what am I gonna do
What should one do except just be around

Staying alive, putting out love
Growing to five billion
Each of us is one-all of us are one

Open your heart and let the love come shining through
And you will do what you need to do
To know just where the other you is coming from

He is one-she is one
A tree is one-the earth is one-the universe is one
I am one-we are one

It just amazes me that I can be
Part of the energy it takes to serve each other
And I wonder what am I gonna do
What can one do
Except be one

Each of us is one-all of us are one
We are one
What am I gonna do
Be one

Sharing is caring 🧡
Bettina Sahling
Bettina Sahling

Bettina Sahling ist die Gründerin und Hauptakteurin hinter dem Online-Magazin, das sich seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2009 der Verbreitung positiver Nachrichten widmet. Sie hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, täglich inspirierende Geschichten und gute Nachrichten zu teilen, um den Lesern Hoffnung und positive Impulse zu geben.

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