The Age of Aquarius

Lesezeit 2 Minuten –

Zeit sich einzuschwingen, einzutanzen ins Wassermannzeitalter. Der Film „Hair“ 1979 erschienen, entstanden aus einem Musical der 1968er Jahre – immer noch aktuell und so inspirierend – enjoy!

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind′s true liberation

Let the sunshine in

I got life, mother
I got laughs, sister
I got freedom, brother
I got good times, man
I got crazy ways, daughter
I got million dollar charm, cousin
I got headaches and toothaches
And bad times too like you

I got my hair, I got my head
I got my brains, I got my ears
I got my eyes, I got my nose
I got my mouth
I got my teeth
I got my tongue, I got my chin
I got my neck, I got my tits
I got my heart, I got my soul
I got my back
I got my ass
I got my arms, I got my hands
I got my fingers, got my legs
Got my feet, I got my toes
I got my liver
Got my blood

I got life, mother (he’s got life)
I got laughs, sister (he’s got laughs)
I got freedom, brother (he’s got freedom)
I got good times, good times, man (good times, man)
I got my crazy ways, daughter (he’s got crazy ways)
I got million-dollar charm, cousin (he’s got charm)
I got headaches, toothaches (headaches)
Bad times too like you (bad times too)

And I’m gonna spread it around the world, brother
And I’m gonna spread it ‚round the world, sister
And I’m gonna spread it around the world, mother

Heute: Neumond-Lichtkreis Wassermann

Sharing is caring 🧡
Bettina Sahling
Bettina Sahling

Bettina Sahling ist die Gründerin und Hauptakteurin hinter dem Online-Magazin, das sich seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2009 der Verbreitung positiver Nachrichten widmet. Sie hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, täglich inspirierende Geschichten und gute Nachrichten zu teilen, um den Lesern Hoffnung und positive Impulse zu geben.

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