Peace – Frieden

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„Peace – Frieden“ gesungen von We The Kingdom. Peace – Holds me when I’m broken
Sweet peace
That passes understanding
When the whole wide world is crashing down
I fall to my knees
And breathe in Your peace


When my mind is like a battlefield
And my heart is overcome by fear
And hope seems like a ship that’s lost at sea

My enemies on every side
And I’m tempted to run and hide
Your gentle whisper reaches out to me

Holds me when I’m broken
Sweet peace
That passes understanding
When the whole wide world is crashing down
I fall to my knees
And breathe in Your peace

Fiery arrows whistling
The terror of the night sets in
But I can feel Your angels all around

I am resting underneath
The shelter of Your mighty wings
Your promises are where my hope is found

I remember who You are
You’re the God who’s never far
So I will not be afraid
God, You always keep me safe in Your arms

I remember who You are
You’re the God who’s never ever far away
So I will not be afraid
God, You always, You always keep me safe

You give me peace
That holds me when I’m broken
Sweet peace
That passes understanding
When the whole wide world is crashing down
I fall to my knees
And breathe in
I breathe You, I breathe You in
Take a deep breath and be still
And know that You are God alone

Writer: Ed Cash

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Bettina Sahling
Bettina Sahling

Bettina Sahling ist die Gründerin und Hauptakteurin hinter dem Online-Magazin, das sich seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2009 der Verbreitung positiver Nachrichten widmet. Sie hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, täglich inspirierende Geschichten und gute Nachrichten zu teilen, um den Lesern Hoffnung und positive Impulse zu geben.

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