Rücklicht: Sometimes it snows in April

Lesezeit 2 Minuten –

Sometimes it snows in April
Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad
Sometimes I wish that life was never ending,
But all good things, they say, never last

All good things they say, never last
And love, it isn’t love until it’s past

Danke für all die Musik und Inspiration – gute Reise.

Hier der gesamte Songtext

Tracy died soon after a long fought civil war,
just after I’d wiped away his last tear
I guess he’s better off than he was before,
A whole lot better off than the fools he left here
I used 2 cry 4 Tracy because he was my only friend
Those kind of cars don’t pass u every day
I used 2 cry 4 Tracy because I wanted to see him again,
But sometimes sometimes life ain’t always the way…

Sometimes it snows in April
Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad
Sometimes I wish life was never ending,
and all good things, they say, never last

Springtime was always my favorite time of year,
A time 4 lovers holding hands in the rain
Now springtime only reminds me of Tracy’s tears
Always cry 4 love, never cry 4 pain
He used 2 say so strong unafraid to die
Unafraid of the death that left me hypnotized
No, staring at his picture I realized
No one could cry the way my Tracy cried

Sometimes it snows in April
Sometimes I feel so bad
Sometimes, sometimes I wish that life was never ending,
And all good things, they say, never last

I often dream of heaven and I know that Tracy’s there
I know that he has found another friend
Maybe he’s found the answer 2 all the April snow
Maybe one day I’ll see my Tracy again

Sometimes it snows in April
Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad
Sometimes I wish that life was never ending,
But all good things, they say, never last

All good things they say, never last
And love, it isn’t love until it’s past

Und hier nochmal in seiner ganzen Kraft NFL-Superbowl Halbzeitshow 2007 – Dauerregen als Performance

Sharing is caring 🧡
Bettina Sahling
Bettina Sahling

Bettina Sahling ist die Gründerin und Hauptakteurin hinter dem Online-Magazin newslichter.de, das sich seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2009 der Verbreitung positiver Nachrichten widmet. Sie hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, täglich inspirierende Geschichten und gute Nachrichten zu teilen, um den Lesern Hoffnung und positive Impulse zu geben.

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