AUM Meditation
AUM means nothing; it is not a word, hence it is not written alphabetically, it is a symbol. Die Meditation von Osho besteht daraus, zuerst AUM laut zu singen, so dass der ganze Körper mit dem Ton vibriert.
Nach einer gewissen Zeit lässt man den Ton feiner und immer stiller werden. AUM singt dann sozusagen von innen weiter, ohne dass der Ton noch laut gehört wird.
Gleichzeitig, mit der Verfeinerung der Schwingung AUM, wird auch die Aufmerksamkeit subtiler.
Der Meditierende beobachtet sich so in feinfühliger Weise, bis am Ende kein Ton und keine Aufmerksamkeit mehr übrig bleibt.
Nur noch Leere, volle Stille, leere Stille.
“It contains three sounds: A, U, M. These are the basic sounds: A, U, M; all other sounds come out of these three sounds. This is the basic trinity of sounds, then the whole music of life grows out of this.
“AUM means exactly what Zen people call ‘the sound of one hand clapping’. AUM is the innermost music of your being. When all the thoughts and desires and memories have gone, have disappeared, and the mind is absolutely quiet and silent, there is no noise inside, you start hearing a tremendously beautiful music which does not consist of any meaning. It is pure music without any meaning, gives you great joy, fills you with celebration, makes you dance. You would like to shout ‘Alleluia!’ But the music itself has no meaning; it is pure music, not polluted by any meaning.
“AUM represents that inner music, that inner harmony, that inner humming sound which happens when your body, your mind, your soul are functioning together in deep accord, when the visible and the invisible, the manifest and the unmanifest are dancing together. when they are like two lovers in deep love-embrace, merging. melting into each other, the manifest making love to the unmanifest, the unmanifest making love to the manifest when the manifest and the unmanifest are no more two but have become one.”