Engel in Uniform

Foto: NY Police Department

Ein Bild geht um die Welt: Ein New Yorker Polizist schenkt einem Obdachlosen ein Paar Socken und Schuhe. Jennifer Foster aus Florence, Arizona, die mit ihrem Mann auf dem Times Square am 14. November unterwegs war, machte ein Foto und veröffentlichte es. Auf der Facebook Seite der New York State Police steht: She writes, “Right when I was about to approach, one of your officers came up behind him. The officer said, ‘I have these size 12 boots for you, they are all-weather. Let’s put them on and take care of you.’ The officer squatted down on the ground and proceeded to put socks and the new boots on this man. The officer expected NOTHING in return and did not know I was watching*. I have been in law enforcement for 17 years. I was never so impressed in my life. I did not get the officer’s name. It is important, I think, for all of us to remember the real reason we are in this line of work. The reminder this officer gave to our profession in his presentation of human kindness has not been lost on myself or any of the Arizona law enforcement officials with whom this story has been shared.”
Our thanks to the Fosters for their attention and appreciation, and especially to this officer, who remains anonymous.

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